
Lekane's Client Telia is the Digital Winner of the Year

Telia has been chosen as the Digital Winner of the Year in 2019 in Bearing Point's research.

Saskia Salomaa

Customer service without tags is like a car without tires

Customer service chat has become an increasingly important service channel. According to a recent survey, more than 70% people consider customer service chat to be the best way to communicate with a company or service provider. In other words, people perceive customer service chat as a useful service.

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Asiakaskokemus CX customer experience
Saskia Salomaa

Customer Experience (CX) is the sum of many factors

The customer experience is formed in the customer's mind on both the product/service and everything else related to it. There are many factors that can contribute to a positive or negative customer experience, but only a few that a company can influence.

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Surveypal - targeted customer surveys

Surveypal is an automated feedback collection system. The company helps businesses of all sizes to easily collect customer feedback. Surveypal provides an easy and visually appealing multi-channel feedback collection system, which attracts customers to respond to surveys.

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KPI eli key performance indicator
Saskia Salomaa

KPI or Key Performance Indicator

KPIs, Key Performance Indicators, are key figures for a particular department or function in a company that are monitored systematically. They indicate the direction in which the companys operations are developing and give an indication of the areas that need improvement.

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Dashboard myyntijohdolle
Saskia Salomaa

Dashboard on myyntijohtajan uusi paras kaveri

Kuva kertoo enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa. Tämä pätee myös myynnin seurantaan. Viimeisten vuosien aikana datan visualisointi on noussut keskeiseksi teemaksi liiketoiminnan ja myynnin kehittämisessä. Dashboard

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