What is the Future of Online Customer Service and Sales?
Lekane's Client Telia is the Digital Winner of the Year
Telia has been chosen as the Digital Winner of the Year in 2019 in Bearing Point's research.

With our chatbot service, Telia saves the work hours of an 18-person team
How is a chatbot used to control the customer experience of a large site while saving resources? Telia is a good example of how our chatbot can handle routine customer service tasks and free the time of customer service personnel for more challenging customer encounters.

Chatbot editor gives you more creative freedom!
Chatbot editor is a tool you can use to build and edit bot-paths. By using the chatbot editor the company can add or modify answers provided by the bot themselves without the help of a third party.

Puhelinvaihteeseen integroitu Lekanen chat auttaa Hinausautokeskuksen asiakaspalvelussa
Teemme yhteistyötä Telian kanssa, jotta pystymme tarjoamaan mahdollisimman kokonaisvaltaisen ratkaisun digitaaliseen asiakaspalveluun ja myyntiin. Telian Viestintäpalvelu VIP auttaa yhdessä Lekanen kanssa vuonna 1965 perustettua perheyritystä

Onko chatbot vasta suunnittelun asteella tai haluatko vielä varmistua, että olette ottaneet kaiken huomioon? Katso chatbot-akatemian videot! Chatbot-akatemia koostuu kolmesta webinaarista, jotka katsomalla tiedät tosi

Kamux and using chat as a tool to improve sales
Our client Kamux utilizes our chat solution in used car sales business. The use of Kamux chat service has doubled during the past year.

Levi - outstanding customer service
Levi is one of the most popular resorts in Lapland. There are over 20 000 beds. Levi is known for its excellent customer service and local entrepreneurs' can-do attitude.

Olemme koonneet pitämistämme webinaareista Chatbot-akatemia -videosarjan. Suomenkielisten webinaaritallenteiden avulla voit sekä oppia mitä chatbotit ovat, että miten niiden avulla voit käytännössä kehittää yrityksen myyntiä ja asiakaspalvelua.

Case - Improving Sales in the Travel Industry
How do you utilise the customer service chat in a situation where you don’t have time to open a chat conversation with every online visitor? Global tour operator TUI Finland is a good example for how a targeted and proactive chat can be used to increase sales.

Artificial Intelligence and Chatbot for Real
Chatbot saves the world? There is much hype around chatbot, but what are the possibilities for real?