Levi - outstanding customer service

Levi is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Northern Finland. There are over twenty thousand accommodation options available. Levi is known for its excellent customer service and the customer centric attitude of local entrepreneurs.

Nowadays, holiday planning almost always starts online. Levi wants to serve its customers in the best possible way online as well. Whether it's about renting a cabin or organising a meeting, Levi's customer service can assist in making a reservation.

Levi Tourist Information leverages Lekane Dialogue for sales and customer service. This way, customers don’t have to wait in line for an available customer service representative or fill out complex online forms to make a reservation. The service allows customers to simply leave their phone number, and customer service will call them back immediately. Customers also have the option to choose chat for their conversation.

“Customers are really satisfied with this service,” says Jussi Töyrylä, CEO of Levi Tourism Ltd. “Excellent customer service should begin right from the reservation phase. Almost without exception, offering this service leads to making a reservation,” Töyrylä adds.

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